If you have any urgent needs or concerns, please call our Administrator at 856-874-5300, Ext. 5338, or Infection Control at 856-874-5300, Ext. 5337.

Continuing Care

At St. Mary Villa, our caring and trained staff are dedicated to ensuring that each resident is reaching his or her highest level of independence. However, often times with advanced age, residents require long-term skilled nursing care. Fortunately for our residents at St. Mary Villa, St. Mary Center for Rehabilitation & Healthcare is located right next door to St. Mary Villa, offering our residents care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in addition to recreational activities, restaurant-style dining, and more.

St. Mary’s Villa For Independent & Retirement Living is an affiliate of Catholic Health Group, Stewards of the Catholic Tradition in the Diocese of Camden.

Let's Talk!

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Want to tour our facility? Schedule an in-person or virtual tour today!